I really wanted to get out this weekend and do some shooting. I had a long night on Friday and just didn’t make it out until late Saturday afternoon. Around that time the clouds started rolling in. I decided to give my hand at some HDR. HDR stands for high density resolution which involves take 3 or more exposures and merging them into one photo which creates and amazing shadowless effect, it really great with landscapes. It’s my first experience with bracketing, so it took some time to get right and took some reading of my camera manual. Once I got it down I took the shot, loaded the exposures into the proper software and after some punching of colors in LR, out came the following…
There was more noise then I would of liked, but I’m still in the learning curve with this stuff, it’s all new territory. However, I’m really excited about shooting HDR. I love shooting landscapes and this will only make things more interesting and creative.